Saturday 5 October 2013

Fossil antler from a huge red deer ( Cervus Elaphus )

 1 - As reported earlier i excavated this red deer antler piece from ancient lake deposits on Teesside ( Cleveland ) i have now had time to do basic but necesery work on the piece to preserve it.  The size of the deer that once held this antler must have been a giant, the estemated lenght of the complete antler is 130cm long, the burr diamater is 9 to 10 cm and it weighs 3 kg
 3 - Over 15 cm from the second tine to the third.
 6 - The measurments to the rear of the skull mach Megolaceros pliectocien cervids unearthed in russia
 8 - Note the thickness of the skull

Please use the link below to view more regarding the lake deposits

HISTORY OF A BECK: Stainsby ancient lake deposits latest
 10 - This image show modern red deer antlers.

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